Lights will guide you home

9:20 AM Priyanka 6 Comments

So what happens when you're bummed out about something you have no control over? When the only option you're left with is to be patient and have faith...pretty frustrating eh? I've been feeling that way for quite some time now. With most of the things this year not turning out the way I'd planned, and so much else going on alongside, that I was forced to literally take a day off and reflect over things. 

Sometimes all you need is a top angle view of your life, to realize how far you've come and that self-doubt is the last thing you deserve. Sometimes all you need are a few good friends to remind you that it's okay to have people who criticize you as long as you have others who believe in you. Sometimes you need to stop comparing yourself to others and understand that you're a special person with your own special story. Sometimes you need to appreciate yourself and take charge of how you spend each moment. Sometimes all you need to do is smile and be glad that you're part of this amazing adventure called life..

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    6 precious thoughts..:

    sanam! said...
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    sanam! said...

    Definitely! Comparisons, brooding about past or fearing the future are all a waste of time. You are special and I could write about it all year round. But I am lazy!

    So lets just say, "Shut your brain to the worldly affairs. You are awesome!" :)

    Ms POSH said...

    Wonderful post!

    Stopping by from the Friday Hop to say hello.

    This reminded me of something I read to mys on last night. We were reading the book "The Invention Of Hugo Cabret" (great book!) and there is a part where the young boy, a wiz with mechanical things says that there are no extra parts in a clock, every single piece has a purpose. Then he says that he must believe that the world didn't make extra, unnecessary parts, therefore, he must have a purpose and be an important part of his world. Such a great insight in a 2nd graders book! :)

    I'm visiting from a blog hop and am a new follower. I'd love it if you'd drop by for a visit and consider following back. Thanks!!

    Marta said...

    I can truly relate to you. I've been feeling this way for over 6 months and it's all because of things I can't do anything about. I end up not being able to feel better because the only way that would happen is if the problems I had worked themselves out. I guess all we have to do is wait for things to happen, although I was never very patient towards that.

    Silken Spirits

    Earth 2 Love said...

    Beautiful pictures. I'm following you now from lovin' weekend hop. Stop by and follow back at