Pass My Sweatpants (It's PMS time)

9:01 PM Priyanka 21 Comments

Never before have I experienced such a horrible PMS in my life! In fact, I'm furiously torturing my keyboard in the aftermath of the same right now! So, where do I begin? One moment life is beautiful, the sky is blue, the birds are singing, the sun is smiling down at us earthly beings and promising a day full of nice delights! But one nasty turn of the calender and the moon strangles the sun, the birds all die, the sky turns murky and life becomes a living hell!

As most of y'all know I live in a single room at my university's hostel, which is a great thing considering, well, just read this. So earlier this week I lost my door card (or key) while I was at a breakfast with friends.  Now given that a card replacement costs 50 freaking bucks, I did a good job at remaining calm (I usually do, I'm a pathetically calm person in the midst of a crisis and very forgiving too, specially when it comes to forgiving myself) and well, I decided to wait for a day before ordering a replacement. Next day at work (I'm interning), everything was great, I finished my assignment early that morning, so by the time it struck noon, I had pretty much nothing to do. That is when it hit me. HARD.

A feeling of worthlessness started creeping in, joined by a deep rooted hatred for all things cluttered. The next thing I know I'm clearing my desk like a maniac, shoving everything into the drawers and then organizing the drawers as well. As the day rolled by, I felt more and more useless, and even the teeny little things started annoying the hell outta me, like when one of my neighboring colleagues started drinking water straight from a bottle making that glup-glup-glup noise, I had to use all my strength to hold myself back from punching the bottle into his face! I tried to reason out things and calm down but the more I thought the more I wanted to stop thinking!

After what seemed like a lifetime, it struck 6 and I left office, hoping the long journey back to my college would bring some relief to my nerves. However, my i-pod decided to shuffle along with the calender and I spent the next one-and-a-half hours listening to the most depressing songs that I have. I started picturing myself in a movie, having got my heart broken by the non-existent man of my dreams and the sad songs playing in the background, I must've been quite a sight to the fellow commuters. It was in the same trance that I got into an elevator and only when it became too stuffy to breathe did I remember to press the floor number.

That night I realized what a disaster my financial planning had been this month! I hadn't saved much and with the room card lost, I had more to pay up! That did it, I was mad, very very mad. I started screaming at no one in particular, and if it were not for a friend who called me right at that moment to discuss a matter completely out-of-context, I would've probably scared poor Ray (my pet hamster) to death.

Now I'm probably dragging this long, but PMS does happen to last for a week, though in my case it was only 2 days, the second being a sort of roller coaster ride. It started quite well with me getting an email from the hostel accommodation office saying that a certain someone (God bless his soul) had found my card and returned it, so now I could collect it from the office the next day, but once I got back from work (remember I had to collect the card the NEXT day so I still didn't have any card with me) turns out that there had been an inspection of all the rooms and mine was unlocked so the kind and cautious souls that the authorities always are, they'd locked it before leaving. So at precisely 8 pm on a Wednesday evening, I was standing outside my room, looking for something I could bang my head against.

After a few minutes and whole lotta cussing, I decided to stay over at a friend's room (2 floors below), and with that I concluded that the world was never getting any better. It was all to go downhill henceforth. But my friend who was in a more stable state of mind had the sense to find the block officer's contact from the university's online directory and suggest that I should call him, which I did and moments later I was climbing up to my room with him and the master key in his pocket. I felt hopeful, almost certainly silly for being so negative, until the point where he, exhausted from all the climbing (my room's on the 5th floor, no elevator) turned to me and said, "It's a miracle that you do this everyday and still you're not slim!"

If only it were legal to kill..!

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    21 precious thoughts..:

    Unknown said...

    HE REALLY SAID THAT????? Unbelievable. You'd have had my permission to whale on him.

    Priyanka said...

    hahah I know right!! the audacity!

    Sarah Kay said...

    Oh my gosh, how I (so sincerely) know your pain here! I usually have the worst PMS! I know exactly how frustrating it can be! I can't believe he said that to you though, even without PMS that would have set me off! LOL!

    I am visiting you through the Friday Blog Hop from Mama to 4 blessings, and I follow you on GFC :)

    I really love your blog, I'll be visiting frequently and hope you can take the time to check out my blog sometime, and follow back too! :)


    Sarah Kay

    Table4Five said...

    I can't believe someone said that to you!! He's lucky you didn't push him down those stairs :P

    Stopping by for the first time for Friendly Friday and I followed you on Google Friend Connect, hope you'll stop by and follow back!

    Kelly said...

    PMS, ick! I'm stopping by and following from Friendly Friday! I would love to have you as a follower as well! :)


    OMG! That is horrible! Why do we even get PMS? It's not fair. Guys get nothing. They don't even have to push out the babies.

    Happy Friday!

    Ladytee said...

    Lmao...I to suffer from PMS, so I feel your pain. Boy, if that had been me the guy said that remark to I would have turned on him like the exorcist in Glad you were able to get your key back without paying for another one.

    Sonya M. Jones

    I would've completely freaked out on the guy and let out all my anger on him lol. men are so dumb sometimes!

    Found your blog through Hop Along Friday and am now a GFC follower.

    Would love a follow back on my blog

    Christy said...

    Wow! I would probably have gone off on him. And it's been years since I had to deal with PMS so that should happen with or without it.

    Krissy said...

    Oh, I hear you! I'm like this too at that time of the month. I could love you one minute and hate you the next. It never fails, though... Always seems like more crap happens to me WHILE im PMSing than when I'm not...

    I'm your newest follower from Social Parade on Friday. :) Hopefully you can visit back and follow as well! Have a great weekend!

    Krissy @ Mommy Miscellaneous

    New follower through the hop. I love the pictures. Great post. I hope you can come by and say hi and follow back.

    Kathryn said...

    new follower, would love a follow back

    Yep, been there and it really stinks. Have you ever tried Valerian Root? That always helps my PMS. I just discovered it a couple months ago, I have Endometriosis and it has helped me out a lot, not just with PMS, but other things as well. You can find it at your local health food store, I get mine from our GNC. I love it! I use to have problems sleeping, I get to bed at a decent hour and sleep through the night and wake up feeling great instead of groggy. It's natural and has a nice calming effect, not to the point where you're loopy or anything. It's really worked well for me.

    corabeth said...

    I cannot believe he said that!!!!!!

    New Follower from Blog hop till you drop. Hoping you will follow back! =0)
    My Crazy Life

    Hi there! Great blog! Happily following via Welcome Wednesday. I hope you will follow me, too!

    PAPS said...

    Well it is tough eh? I dont get it that bad though. (at least I think) Following you now. Hope you can visit my blog and follow back too.

    Wow, I can really relate. PMS can turn this lady into a monster for sure. It's been worse ever since I had my son. I found this chocolate bar by Lindt that I call "PMS medicine". It's dark chocolate with sea salt- sweet, salty and fat, the perfect trifecta!
    New follower from the hop!
    Sarah @ made in usa challenge

    Jenny said...

    New follower from the blog hop! And I second the chocolate comment! ;)

    Unknown said...

    Wow - that is gutsy to say!
    Hi there and glad to find you and be a new follower! Hope u will chk us out too and folow...have a great wekeend
    cathy from

    Great post... I can't believe he said that!

    Unknown said...

    love your blog. so many good stuff - and i really enjoyed reading your posts. following you now.. hope you can visit me when you get a chance. :)
