1. Do you sleep with the tv or music on?
Not really. I prefer pin-drop silence when I'm sleeping. Music for some reason induces so many thought processes in my head that I can no longer focus on sleeping.
2. What is your favorite technology device that you own?
None. I'm not a technology-driven person. This coming from a Computer Science undergraduate should be a topic of concern (dammit), but I really just use technology to meet my daily requirements, and our attachment ends there.
3. Do you shop the ads for groceries?
Hahah no, I don't do groceries, just as yet.
4. What are you favorite pair of shoes?
Oh I have these pair of black court shoes which I absolutely adore! They're decent, neat and a perfect fit for almost any occasion!
5. Have you done any fun fall activities yet?
Nothing fall-specific yet, although I am looking forward to Halloween, my friends and I have a couple of fun activities (read: epic all-night clubbing) planned around that time.
Do visit the link above and leave a link to your post answering these questions, so we're all a little less of strangers! :)
*Have a fabulous week ahead*
9 precious thoughts..:
Your blog is beautiful! I love the header, I can't wait to look around more. I love the big bang theory, it is a classic :) I show the more appropriate episodes in my class.
PS your word verification isn't working! You can't get to it!
Thanks for stopping by Lindsey! :)
And I know the word verification is screwed up on a number of blogs these days, I'll see if I can find a way around it!
OH man! All your answers are total opposites of what mine would be!
1. I listen to the fish tank hum and the clock tic.
2. smartphone. smartphone. smartphone.
3. yes.
4. no.
5. made decorations,costumes, etc!
new follower! stop by if you can! http://etsyscangerhunt.blogspot.com/
1. When fall asleep in living room TV is on. Bedroom has fans.
2. I agree w/ prior comment. My phone!
3. I have a shopping blog, so yes, coupon addict here - LOL!
4. Flip Flops. Houston/Galveston is hot nearly all year.
5. No but we have 2 planned! =)
I'm a new follower from Random Deals Wed blog hop. Following you on GFC. Please check me out too, www.saving4change.com. Have a great week!
1. Neither, I prefer complete silence.
2. My ipod & hopefully on my birthday (Nov. 25th) it will be an ipad. Don't know how I would survive without it. lol
3. Sometimes, but I'm almost always at a store.
4 Slippers. If I did not have to wear shoes I wouldn't.
5. No, not yet, but we have a haunted hayride event next weekend.
Hopping by from It's Hump Day Blog Hop. Great questions. This was fun. Hop on by: http://ladyteeiabodesigns.blogspot.com/2011/10/its-hump-day-hop.html when you can.
Sonya M. Jones
Tee-iabo Designs
October 5, 2011 8:48 PM
Word verification
visiting from thursday bloghop- following you , hope you follow back!
who am i
1. no
2. blackberry, iphone
3. sorry no i don't
4. looking forward to my sis baby shower this saturday, having fun decorating!
take care from www.flagphil.blogspot.com
Hi! Im glad to be following you back!
1. Weeknights, no. Weekends, soft music in the background.
2. Any electronic device that gives me access to the internet!
3. Yes. I am lame. I know.
4. The new pair of brown fall boots my hubby just bought me for my Bday!
5.Not really, but I am determined to find a cute little out of the way town and a cute little shop in that cute little town and I want to buy organic home made oatmeal and honey or cherry and almond soaps. I know... its kinda an awesome goal for fall ;)
Im with you on that one..I cant sleep with music on!! My mind just cant rest unless its completely silent..Found you on the october blog hop
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