And the award goes to...

10:16 AM Priyanka 12 Comments

ME! ME! ME! :D
So it happened to be just another lousy morning at work, but a little gesture from the amazing Mikki at Mom's Best Nest totally brightened up the day for me!
Turns out I've been awarded..

I'd like to seize this opportunity to thank my...versatility!
And now it's time to make someone else's day (the best part), so let's get to the rules of this award:

1. Thank and Link back to the person that gave it to you!
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Send the Versatile Blogger Award on to 15 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them!

Here are 7 things about myself,

1. I love to day dream, often indulging in elaborate discussions/arguments with the people I'm dreaming about.
2. Nothing gives me more pleasure than being close to nature.
3. I have the attentions span of a goldfish.
4. Je t'aime food. Like for all eternity.
5. Sometimes I wish I were a country girl like Heidi (the swiss fictional character by Spyri)
6. My dream holiday destination for now (refer to point 3) would be Italy.
7. I am highly indecisive (took me an hour to come up with these 7 points)


Congratulations to all of you! Have a rocking week ahead! :)

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    12 precious thoughts..:

    Thanks for the shout out! I'm very flattered. Now, if I could just get my posting on a regular schedule! Ah, I need a couple clones of myself...take care!

    Margaret said...

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

    Unknown said...

    *mwah* Thank you so much!! :D xoxoxo!! I'll blog about this tomorrow! :)

    May said...

    Thank you so much for giving me and also getting this award. You deserve it. Also thanks for linking up in exposure 99% weekday hop. I'm already your GFC follower. Hope you have a great week.

    Sara Strand said...

    Thanks, love! And I feel extra special that I'm first on the list. ;) I am ridiculously indecisive too and I hate being the one to make the final decision. But so is my husband. So you can imagine how productive we are together. :/

    ropcorn said...

    Congrats on the award! And thanks so much for including me on your list here! It was a lovely and much appreciated surprise! :p

    Have a continued wonderful week you too! :-)

    Mikki said...

    You are so welcome! I love your blog. Thanks for joining the Flock Together Blog Hop today. Take care!

    Congrats on the award! Bloggy awards are so much fun.

    I'm a new follower from the Hump Day Hop. It's nice to meet you. Hope you can stop by and visit. :)

    Wife on the Roller Coaster

    Unknown said...

    Hi Congrats on your Award! U Go Gurl! I was Hopping over from the Wednesday Follow Blog Hop, Guess what? I am already Following u via GFC LOL. SO I decided to leave a comment on your Award! Again Congrats! Stop by & say hi sometime!

    Anonymous said...

    Awww! Thank you so much for nominating me! This definitely gave me a boost! :)


    Thanks for stopping by at Tie up Thursday Blog Hop. And congratulations on the award!

    Hey congratulations that is really awesome! I'm stoppin by from the Thirsty Thursday hop, started following you about a week ago or so. I went through my followers the other day to see who was following back and that was a lot more difficult than I thought, because just like you I too have the attention span of a Goldfish, lol. I completely forgot everything. I think you might be following back, but I honestly am not sure so I thought I would go ahead and invite you again just incase. Anyway, I'm very happy for you, I got this award a few weeks ago too, I haven't posted about it yet, because I'm still searching for the 15 other blogs. It looks like it was your first award too. Anyway, have a fabulous day. Sarah...