When Dawn meets Dusk


When Dawn meets Dusk

Time - About 3 years ago. 1 am in the morning. I remember being enraged. My then boyfriend and I had had aContinue Reading >


I've been out of the writing game for so long, that I wonder if I still have the patience for it. What haveContinue Reading >

Goodnight Seattle


Goodnight Seattle

The series finale that marked the end of the 11 year long fun ride that was this show - Frasier. I've always hadContinue Reading >

When it hits you


When it hits you

This Friday I went down to the Fort Canning park to watch the much awaited Merchant of Venice performed by the talented lotContinue Reading >

Getting back on the blogging track

Apologies for a rather long hiatus! Turns out leaving facebook drew me away from a lot of social media altogether. It still serves asContinue Reading >